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The Subsea Observer by Subsea Tech Happy New Year ! Dear all, After a year 2015 mourned by unbearable terrorism acts, we are happy to close it and open 2016 with our best wishes for returned serenity and tolerance. Shall it bring you and your loved ones health, success and happiness and give us the opportunity to collaborate again, or just meet for a drink! In our newsletter this month: samba, sharks, imaging sonars, CATSurveyor and a lot of international events… Bonjour à tous, Après une année 2015 endeuillée par d’insupportables actes terroristes, tournons la page et espérons que 2016 ramènera tolérance et sérénité. Santé, succès et bonheur à vous et à vos proches pour cette nouvelle année, en espérant qu’elle nous permettra de continuer notre collaboration ou tout simplement de partager un verre ! Au programme de la newsletter ce mois-ci: samba, requins, sonars d’imagerie, CAT-Surveyor et plein d’évènements internationaux… Yves CHARDARD - President Subsea Tech opens a branch office in Indian Ocean Subsea Tech ouvre un bureau dans l’Océan Indien After one year of investigation and fruitful discussion with local partners and customers, we decided to open a branch office in La Réunion Island to support our activities in the Indian Ocean. With a strong focus on shark detection for which we propose our Blueview imaging sonar solutions, the region also offers numerous opportunities for underwater observation in general. César JACQUET, a local and long time successful entrepreneur, joins us as Regional Manager. We wish him a warm welcome! Après un an d‘évaluation et de discussions fructueuses avec des partenaires et des clients locaux, nous avons décidé d'ouvrir une succursale sur l'île de La Réunion pour développer nos activités dans l‘Océan Indien. Avec un fort accent sur la détection de requins pour laquelle nous proposons nos solutions de sonar d'imagerie BlueView, la région offre également de nombreuses possibilités pour l'observation sous-marine en général. César Jacquet, talentueux entrepreneur local, nous rejoint comme Responsable de région. Souhaitons-lui la bienvenue ! www.subsea-tech.com « 3D bridge piles modelling for SNCF « SNCF Modélisation 3D de piles de pont Office Opening in Reunion Island Ouverture d’un bureau à la Réunion ROV+BlueView civil works inspections Inspection de barrages ROV+BlueView Mini-ROV retrieving Maxi-Load Mini-ROV remonte Maxi-Charge R&D Automatic Seabed Classification R&D Classification auto. de fonds « New Mini-ROV sales Nouvelles ventes de mini-ROVs « Subsea Tech drones show for DGA Show de drones Subsea Tech pour DGA « International events Evènements internationaux « Expanding our distribution network Notre réseau de distribution s’étend
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The Subsea Observer by Subsea Tech Bathymetry and 3D modelling of SCNF bridge piles with Cat-Surveyor Bathymétrie et modélisation 3D de piles de pont avec Cat-Surveyor Upon request of SNCF (French National Railroad Company), we did a river bathymetry and the 3D modelling of bridge piles, just off Eurodisney park last November. The demo involved our fully autonomous USV “Cat-Surveyor”, a multibeam bathymetry sonar from Norbit and our Blueview BV5000 3D sonar. Both acquisitions were done in record time (BV5000 below to the left, Norbit WBMS below to the right) and demonstrated the advantage...
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The Subsea Observer by Subsea Tech BlueView once again a must Indispensable BlueView BlueView acoustic cameras have once again proven their efficiency for civil works inspection in turbid waters. Above right are images of the Combes dam damping chamber, bottom intake and valve with a Guardian MiniROV carrying a BlueView M900-130. The sonars centimetric resolution allowed not only for an overview of the inspected zone but also for distinguishing details like gates, grid bars and defaults like cracks. Below to the right are images of the inspection of the bottom of the downstream canal of...
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The Subsea Observer by Subsea Tech R&D – Automatic seabed classification with MBES R&D - Classification automatique de fonds par SMF Subsea Tech has just started a new R&D project called SACLAF-SMF in collaboration with Seaviews, to develop an innovative software capable of automatically classifying underwater biotopes using a standard bathymetry multibeam sonar. Our CAT-Surveyor USV will serve as a platform for acquisition and validation campaigns with simultaneous deployment of an Observer Mini-ROV to visually confirm the data acquired during the qualification phase. The project receives...
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The Subsea Observer by Subsea Tech NOUVELLES VENTES de mini-ROV Guardian Mini-ROV exploring the Baltic Sea with Gdansk University Mini-ROV Guardian en exploration en Mer Baltique avec l’Université de Gdansk A Guardian Mini-ROV fitted with navigation sonar, manipulator arm, HD camera, physico-chemical gauges, sediment and water samplers etc. is off to explore the Baltic Sea with a research Team of the University of Gdansk. On board a scientific vessel, the Mini-ROV will help collecting data on water quality, fauna and flora as well as searching ship wrecks for scientific purposes. This first...
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The Subsea Observer by Subsea Tech EXPANDING OUR DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ! NOTRE RESEAU DE DISTRIBUTION S’ETEND ! Norway / Norvège Havbrukskontroll Involved in the aquaculture sector since 1992, Havbrukskontroll is providing services such as nets and mooring surveys and cleaning. They will now also promote Subsea Tech underwater cameras and mini-ROVs for the purpose! Sur le marché de l’aquaculture depuis 1992, Havbrukskontroll offre des services tels que inspections et nettoyage de filets et de mouillages. Ils assurent maintenant aussi la promotion des caméras sousmarines et mini-ROVs de...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 6Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Subsea Tech
Brochure Tortuga
2 Pages
USV Catarob
2 Pages
Régie vidéo UVS100RL
2 Pages
Observer XT
2 Pages
2 Pages
Mini-ROV Observer 4.0
2 Pages
Mini-ROV Guardian 3.0
2 Pages
2 Pages
Catalogues archivés
Newsletter "Subsea Observer"
6 Pages
Newsletter 17
5 Pages