

Extraits du catalogue

SFT-Brochure-Bouees-et-Barrages - 1

► Very high abrasion résistance ► Reduced conductivity optional ► Available in different colors and bendable ► Fender panel facing ► V Fender front shields ► Lock doors & entrances ► Quay wall protection

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SFT-Brochure-Bouees-et-Barrages - 2

PE SLIDING PLATES AND FENDERS - UHMW-PE SLIDING PLATES This product information and spécification is generic and based on our présent know-how and randomly performed material tests | Results are therefore not applicable for any spécifie order and may vary | Machining is done at 18°C | Thermal expansion should be taken into consideration if installation is done at different temperatures COUNTERSUNK DETAIL UHMW-PE Sliding Plates are supplied fully machined or alternatively in raw press format. Available thicknesses from 2 mm to 200 mm for regenerated material and 2 mm to 400 mm for virgin...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) ShibataFenderTeam

  1. UHMW-PE

    2 Pages

Catalogues archivés

  1. Catalogue 2017

    136 Pages

  2. PM Fenders

    2 Pages

  3. CSS Fenders

    6 Pages