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Can ng Keel Manager Dedicated for monohulls equipped with a can ng keel operated by hydraulic or electric power drive • • • • • • • Security controlled keel handling Manual, semi automa c or automa c keel control Automa c management of tacking sequence Securing of the vessel in case of capsizing or loss of keel (op onal) Integrates op mal keel angle data (op onal), Records the history of manoeuvres and events, gives opera ng report Integrates energy saving working modes User friendly CKM integrates the target keel angle based on the heel angle, true wind angle and speed. The automa c tacking sequence can be configured en rely by the user. This can vary according to wind angle (tack or gybe) and the wind strength. Energy saving mode reduce power consump on and favours movement using gravity. Available as an op on, the CKM ControlCenter so&ware offers enhanced func ons : • Full monitoring of the system, • Recording and viewing of historic data concerning the control of the keel, • opera ng reports, • Managing target keel posi on, From the remote control panels, the user can run the keel movements. • move up to port or starboard, • move down using gravity, • stop the movement, • run the tacking sequence. The keel movement is stopped automa cally or manually by the user. The figures on the main unit and the control panels indicate the process underway. The current and target keel angles are shown on the control panels display. A wireless remote control is also availab
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Improving safety 4 keys for direct manual control of the hydraulic components, 2 func on key 1 ON/OFF key 9 LED indicators for hydraulic devices processes and opera ng status. For the boat and the crew : if the boat goes over on her side, the keel automa cally goes back into posi on to increase the righ ng moment. If the boat is upside down, the keel automa cally goes to the opposite side to where the waves are coming from. The keel anomaly sensing func on means it is possible to secure the boat (if connected to the UpSideUp system) and to launch an alarm. For the equipment : the system...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) OCEAN DATA SYSTEM
NDR Navigation Data Recorder
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TENSEAZY Solution sans fil
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Présentation Gamme ODS
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UpSideUp Master
2 Pages
2 Pages
UpSideUp Easy
2 Pages
UPSIDEUP doc générale
2 Pages
UpSideUp Super Yacht
4 Pages
2 Pages