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Marine Auxiliary 4W105S


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Marine Auxiliary 4W105S - 1

4W105 Auxiliary Diesel Engine

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Marine Auxiliary 4W105S - 2

4W105 Auxiliary Diesel Engine Number of cylinders Bore and stroke (mm) Total displacement (L) Compression ratio Engine rotation Idle speed Flywheel Flywheel housing Customer benefits Continuous compact power with reference performances in its category Easy service with accessible components and unit cylinder heads Simple technology with mechanical injection Life cycle cost efficiency with extended MTBO (Mean time between overhauls) Fuel Consumption Generator Sets Engines Power Class PRP Definition Unrestricted running time Time at full load ≤ 500hrs/year Load variation ≤ 75% of rated power...

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Marine Auxiliary 4W105S - 3

4W105 Auxiliary Diesel Engine Standard equipment Cooling System Two - stage cooling circuit with built - in HT thermostatic valve Integrated fresh water expansion tank High efficiency tubular heat exchanger Gear driven centrifugal raw water pump Self priming raw water pump Lubrication System Full flow lube oil filters duplex type Fresh water cooled lube oil heat exchanger Fuel System Mechanical injection High pressure pump with shielded high pressure injection rail and pipes Fuel oil filter duplex type External fuel pre-filter with water separator Intake Air and Exhaust System Double flow...

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