Extraits du catalogue

Why use Polypropylene absorbents? Polypropylene absorbents provide: - Exceptional absorbency (up to 25 times their own weight) - Selective absorption : 3 types available (Oil Selective - General Purpose - Chemical) allowing you to absorb almost any liquid. The use and disposal of Polypropylene absorbents saves you time and money: - Quick and easy to deploy, saving you time - No dust or mesh to clean-up, saving you time - They ensure the floor is slip free when used pro-actively, saving you money - Unlike granules its easy to see how much you are using, saving you money - Where legislation...
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-or rninor leaks and spills -ast to depLoy and cover large areas 3atch overspray, reduce slip hazards anc stop Liquid bemg tracked frorn one area Unit size FIRST: single layer structure with high absorbency 3ontain liquids at the base of leaky rnachi- neryand stop it spreading mto otherareas or use to contain spilt Liquids _ine dnp trays, usewhen carrying out main- tenance of valves orpipeworkoras part of yourspillresponse plan SM: 2-layer structure with reinforced upper layer
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Features Unit size Packaging Unit weight / pack Absorption / pack Oil Selective All liquids Blue Grey White Environmental Maintenance Maintenance Yellow Chemical w SMS: 3-layer structure with both sides reinforced PADS Heavy weight pads perforated width 0,40 x 0,50 m Box of 100 pads 7 Kg 144 L WP221-D BP221-D GP221-D CP221-D Heavy weight rolls perforated width 0,40 x 40 m Box of 2 rolls 11,1 Kg 230 L WR222-D BR222-D GR222-D CR222-D Heavy weight roll perforated in width and length 0,80 x 40 m Box of 1 roll 11,1 Kg 230 L WR221-D BR221-D GR221-D CR221-D Heavy weight roll multi perforated 0,40...
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Spill Response Pads Rolls Cushions Booms For minor leaks or spills on land or water. Example: minor leaks at a fuel delivery point. Allow you to cover large areas quickly. Example: can be "streamed out" behind a boat on calm water to cover a large area quickly. Absorb large volumes of liquid quickly or use to "dam" a spill. Example: Once a spill has been contained with booms, cushions will absorb large amounts quickly. Use pro-actively at outfalls and to contain large spills on land or water (Rivers, harbours, ponds, lakes or dealing with oil spills on land when its raining). Example: A...
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spill kits | wilh shoulder strap. Yellow wheelie container with 3 shelves and lock. I with wheels, removable lid, I Green wheeled plastic trunk Yellow wheeled maintenance cartwith roll holderand lockable cupboard. |T1 Grey small container tMM wilh lid - Available with orwithout Grey large container with lid - Available with orwithout Blue/While Grey Yellow oil sélective Maintenance Chemical 32 Firsl pads HW 30x30cm, 1 sock 1,20m. 2 disposai bags, 1 pair gloves, 5 wipes 35 First pads HW 40x50cm. 3 socks 1,20m, 2 disposai bags. 1 pair gloves, 10 wipes 1 pair gloves, 10 wipes 1 pair gloves, 15...
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